Tuesday, January 20, 2009

bike-fit shoe wedges

I just got a set of shoe wedges from Bike Fit Systems. They are little plastic wedges that fit between your shoe and cleats. The idea is that most people apply perfectly flat pressure to the pedals (much like over or under-pronators in running) except these things cant the ball of your foot instead of the heel. They recommend installing two shims under each cleat and then add or subtract wedges overtime until you get to the point when your knees wobble back and forth as little as possible. I already had some expeirence with this idea because I used to have a pair of Specialized shoes that had this feature built in but I think the wedges are a better idea because it allows for adjustment. I found that I need 2 wedges on my left foot andn 3 wedges on my right foot. It really is amazing how much more comfortable this makes pedaling. They make claims of power gains. I don't know about increased power but increased comfort is gaurenteed.

1 comment:

samlikesbikes said...

I got fit at Pro Bikes and got wedges put in my shoes. They feel great so far!