Friday, September 17, 2010

Another early end to my season?

20 minutes into a relatively easy CX practice I decided to (try to) bunny hop a curb and ended up flipping over my handle bars.  At first it appeared nothing was wrong but that appearance soon ended when I remounted my bike and found I couldn't even hold my right shift lever without excruciating pain.  End of CX practice.
I packed up (with one hand) and drove home.  I immediately iced my hand and took some Motrin to try and control the swelling.  What really scared me was that the last time my hand felt like this was after I crashed in February and it continued to hurt until June:(  I talked with my Mom and she convinced me to go to the hospital to get checked out.  I was there and got and X-ray in no time at all. After some waiting for the doctor to read the X-ray I got the good(?) news, not broken.  I had no fractures but it was still killing me.  I was splinted and told to consult an orthopedic doctor if it didn't stop hurting in 5 days. 
My hand felt good in the splint because it was unable to make any of the movements that caused it pain.  It wasn't until hours later when I took the splint off to readjust it that I realized that my hand pain still hadn't gone down. 
This morning I took the splint off to check the swelling and readjust it again and was pleased to find the swelling had gone down quite a bit, most of the pain was gone except when grasping things and my range of motion had returned to normal. 
Hopefully after a week of resting it and using the splint I'll be ready to race next Sunday but only time will tell.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Nittany Lion 'Cross

120 people in a Cat4 CX race?  That's crazy!  I started 1/3 of the way back the pack so there really was no sprint from the line.  More like a steady roll out.  For the first 2 laps I was steadily picking off riders and improving my placing.  For the next 3 laps I pretty much held my position without passing or being passed.  In the middle of the final lap(in 15th place) I hit a large hole and my right shifter slid down the handlebar pulling my rear brake tight and making my bike unridable.  I ran almost half of the course to get to the pit and then grabbed my other bike and sprinted to the finish.  While running I fell from 15th to 33rd.  'CrossFail

Notice anything wrong with this picture?  NO GLOVES!  Ask Zach how that worked out for him?

Saturday, September 04, 2010

Devil's Backbone 2010

It was an awesome event.  67 miles and 6700ft elevation gain on a mix of pavement dirt and gravel.  It was a lot of fun and the ice cream afterwords made it all worth it. Here are the results(if you care)