Friday, September 17, 2010

Another early end to my season?

20 minutes into a relatively easy CX practice I decided to (try to) bunny hop a curb and ended up flipping over my handle bars.  At first it appeared nothing was wrong but that appearance soon ended when I remounted my bike and found I couldn't even hold my right shift lever without excruciating pain.  End of CX practice.
I packed up (with one hand) and drove home.  I immediately iced my hand and took some Motrin to try and control the swelling.  What really scared me was that the last time my hand felt like this was after I crashed in February and it continued to hurt until June:(  I talked with my Mom and she convinced me to go to the hospital to get checked out.  I was there and got and X-ray in no time at all. After some waiting for the doctor to read the X-ray I got the good(?) news, not broken.  I had no fractures but it was still killing me.  I was splinted and told to consult an orthopedic doctor if it didn't stop hurting in 5 days. 
My hand felt good in the splint because it was unable to make any of the movements that caused it pain.  It wasn't until hours later when I took the splint off to readjust it that I realized that my hand pain still hadn't gone down. 
This morning I took the splint off to check the swelling and readjust it again and was pleased to find the swelling had gone down quite a bit, most of the pain was gone except when grasping things and my range of motion had returned to normal. 
Hopefully after a week of resting it and using the splint I'll be ready to race next Sunday but only time will tell.

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