Friday, October 08, 2010

Cincy UCI#3 Friday

It was a beautiful day out.  Hot and dry!  It also happened to be my worst day in a race EVER.  I went into the race already knowing that I was out of my league.  It was a Cat 2/3 race and the only reason I was even a Cat3 was because I upgraded specifically for this weekend so I could have a better race time. It would allow me to be cleaned up and rested when the PRO race kicked off.  Then the race started; I had repeated asthma attacks the entire race.  I think it was breathing all of the dust that threw my lungs for a loop.  I ended up getting pulled just before I got lapped by the leader.  It was still a really good time and I enjoyed it.  Racing again tomorrow and Sunday.  Weather is looking like hotter than today and sunny.  Hopefully my lungs hold out.

1 comment:

Henry Dimmick said...

You really should give name-credit to your Profile Photo "Partner"...