Saturday, August 30, 2008

Nicest looking bike ever!

It's not that great of a picture but I got my hands on the new 2009 Cannondale catalog today and their new cross bike is beautiful. The back is lightning white, the front is patriot blue, it has race red highlights and decals, and the whole thing is high gloss. It's way too pretty to be a cross bike but I love it. If anyone at Cannondale reads this and wants to donate a frameset or a complete bike to me I'll need a size 54 and will do everything in my power to make a good showing on the bike.
Ladies and Gentleman here it is, the Amazing, Exploding Stem. It's adjustable so you have to tighten it enough so the pivot point won't move. The problem is that in trying to do that I had to make it so tight that the bolt snapped in half. I did the same thing to one of the bolts that attaches the faceplate. I guess it's back to the drawing board for this stem design and to the garbage can with this stem.

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